W.M. Keck Observatory Photographer

"Winter Milky Way, Mauna Kea" Featured in Hawaiian Airlines Magazine Hana Hou January 2025 by Ethan Tweedie

My "Winter Milky Way, Mauna Kea" image was featured in Hawaiian Airlines Magazine, Hana Hou! You can see the whole magazine here on ISSUU

Ethan specializes in photography for luxury hotels and resorts, architects, interior designers and luxury real estate. Ethan serves all of the Hawaiian Islands including the Big Island, Maui, Oahu and Kauai. You may contact me at 808-938-4665 | ethantweedie@gmail.com

Smithsonian Magazine Feature Article-A Star Orbiting in the Extreme Gravity of a Black Hole Validates General Relativity by Ethan Tweedie

One of my images of the W.M. Keck Observatory on the Summit of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii was featured in the July 2019 Smithsonian Magazine. To read the article in the Smithsonian Magazine click here


W. M. Keck Observatory - The Impossible Telescope, Big Island Hawaii by Ethan Tweedie

This is such an amazing film about an amazing team of some of the brightest individuals ever assembled to create the W.M. Keck Observatory here on the Big Island of Hawaii. 

W.M. Keck Observatory writes: “W. M. Keck Observatory takes a journey through time, honoring the past, celebrating the present, and inspiring the future. This film highlights the vision, mission, and evolution of the most scientifically impactful optical/infrared twin telescopes on Earth, as told through the lenses of the people who are part of the Observatory’s history and experienced the trials, tribulations, and successes of building what was once called ‘The Impossible Telescope.’”

I am so proud to have met so many of these amazing people and had the opportunity to work with them capturing images for the Observatory!  Mahalo Andrea Ghez, Andrew Cooper, Ron Laub, Taft Armandroff,  Barbara Schaefer, Hilton A. Lews, Debbie Goodwin, Joan Cambell, Cindy Chong, Steve Jefferson, Leslie Kissner, Gregory Wirth, Pete Tucker, Sandra Faber, Gavin Sebastian, Pieter van Dokkum, Noelani Nitz, Eric Appleby, Carol and Clive Davies, Joseph Gargiulo, Margaret Cookie Holley, Truman Wold.

To see some of my images from the W.M. Keck Observatory, please click here